select nim, nama,sex
from master_mhs
where (nim like '00%' or nim like '01%') and nim like '%39010%' and tgl_lahir like '01-May%' and sts_marital='M';
select count(*)
from master_mhs
where (nim like '00%' or nim like '01%') and (nim like '%41010%' or nim like '%39010%');
select x.nim, y.nama
from master_mhs x, histori_mhs y
where x.nim = y.nim and nim like '02%'
group by x.nim
order by x.nim asc;
select x.nim, y.nama, x.kode_mk
from master_mhs x, histori_mhs y
where h.nim = m.nim and nim like '02%'
group by x.nim, y.kode_mk
order by x.nim asc;
Nama : Muhamat Soleh
NIM: 10390100039